Exercise & Nutrition Checklist

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Unlock the potential by just making some small adjustments in your nutritional choices to better support your body through perimenopause and menopause - to increase your energy levels, improve sleep, reduce inflammation, continue to build muscle, reduce hunger pangs and get the right vitamins.

It is not all about weight loss, BMI etc but it about getting the right balance to help us get our groove on and enjoy this chapter rather than get stuck into the vault of negativity due to some weight gain.

Staying hydrated - it makes a big difference!

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Get the checklists and tips you need to keep

on top of key women's physical health issues

Often we make appointments with our GP only because we feel there is something wrong with us - we get 'reactive care' and usually we unrealistically expect that all our health issues can be reviewed and considered in the average 15 minute consultation. We avoid the 'proactive' care and checkups blaming being time poor, not knowing what to ask for or feeling uncomfortable about the appointment, but the reality is the proactive is often more critical. You can avoid huge wellness, financial, employment, relationship and mental health issues if you are proactive in your care and get educated and know what to ask for and when.

Regular health check-ups can identify any early signs of health issues. Finding problems early means that your chances for effective treatment are increased. Many factors, such as your age, health, family history and lifestyle choices, impact on how often you need check-ups.


Below are just the key checklists that are medically recommended per decade of a woman's life. Within that decade though you may be required to have the specific checkup or action once (such as tetanus injection usually every ten years) or it may be that in that decade you need to annually do the test with your doctors. For some people who have a family history, prior medical condition, smoke, have other addictions, or just concerns they have noted, the tests in that decade of your life may be significantly more in a bid to try detecting and preventing any heath concerns as soon as possible.

You can interact with this PDF document to add any comments you have in relation to some of these key items.

Why Regular routine check up's could save your life - even if you are not feeling unwell!

It is a good idea to visit a doctor regularly, even if you feel healthy. Just like your car gets a service, after a certain number of kilometres, even if it seems ok with no obvious sign of repairs.

The purpose of these visits is to:

❤️check for current or emerging medical problems

❤️assess your risk of future medical issues

❤️prompt you to maintain a healthy lifestyle

❤️update vaccinations (including but not limited to shingles, tetanus, whooping cough, flu, travel required vaccinations)

Health checks are usually incorporated into routine medical care but you may need to ensure you have booked enough time for a review and diarise these checks yourself as you may/may not ever be sent prompts to do it.

Having a health check is also a time to examine your lifestyle to see what improvements can be made. This may be something you regularly do yourself or discuss with a healthcare professional.


You can do a basic health check at home to review your health in relation to:

Alcohol consumption - people who have at least 2 alcohol-free days per week and keep their drinking days to 2 standard drinks per drinking day have better long-term

health. For more information on alcohol refer to this website.

Smoking – smoking increases your risk of many diseases, including heart disease, stroke, lung disease and thin bones. If you smoke, quitting as soon as possible helps reduce the harm. For more information on the risks of smoking and how to get help to stop for good, refer to our website.

Dental care – cleaning your teeth regularly and eating a low-sugar diet can reduce your risk of tooth loss, tooth decay, gum disease. You should have an annual dental check and professional clean to help reduce these issues. Poor dental health is also often connected to heart disease.

Diet and nutrition– a healthy diet improves your general health and wellbeing.

For further details on nutrition refer to this website.

Physical activity– regular physical activity is good for your mental health, heart and bones, and can prevent many diseases. Ideally the health goal is for 30 minutes to an hour of moderate physical activity a day. Moderate physical activity takes some effort, but it is considered to be at a point where you can still have a conversation (for example, brisk walking, social tennis). Light weights help considerably especially in your 40s plus.

Skin checks–currently, there is no set guideline regarding how often Australian adults should get their skin checked. Cancer Council recommends that you regularly monitor your own skin via self-examination and visit a GP if you notice any changes or new suspicious spots (moles, freckles, dark stain/patch etc). A GP can refer you to a specialist if required.

If you have sunbaked a lot or work outdoors or have a family history of melanoma or other skin disease, you should have a thorough yearly examination by a doctor who specialises in skin checks and/or a dermatologist (get a referral from your GP). A full skin examination, supported with photography and dermoscopy, may be necessary every 6-12 months.

While protection from UV radiation is the best defense against skin cancer, regular skin checks via self-examination for new and changed spots and early detection strategies are an important approach to reducing your risk of skin cancer. This is because most melanomas are found by the person with the melanoma, or their partner.

For details of how to check for skin cancer refer to the diagram below from Cancer Council NSW.

Weight - maintaining a healthy weight range helps prevent longer-term diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and arthritis.

Regular health checks can help to identify early warning signs of disease or illness. Heart disease, diabetes and some cancers can often be picked up in their early stages, when treatment may be more successful.

When you have a med upical check, your doctor will usually talk to you about:

➡️your medical history

➡️employment (to determine possible impact on your health)

➡️your family’s history of disease such a heart, diabetes, stroke.

➡️lifestyle generally (including your diet, weight, how much you exercise)

➡️whether or not you smoke and drink alcohol or take illegal drugs

Regular checks may help your doctor pick up early warning signs. If you have a family history or high risk for other reasons of a particular health condition, your doctor may recommend more frequent health checks at an earlier age.

These are some common tests, but your doctor may recommend others according to your situation.



Blood pressure

Your blood pressure is usually checked every 2 years if it is normal, you are aged under 40 years, and there is no family history of high blood pressure.

Have it checked yearly or more regularly if you are over 40, your blood pressure is on the high side, or you have a personal or family history of high blood pressure, stroke or heart attack. Be advised by your doctor.

Blood tests

They will check your cholesterol levels and blood triglycerides, iron levels, and thyroid among other things. High levels may indicate an increased risk of various health problems, including heart disease.

If you are over 45, the doctor is likely to suggest blood tests about once every 5 years. If you are at high risk of heart disease and have a family history, you should be tested every year from the age of 40.

Electrocardiogram (ECG)– this is a non-invasive and painless medical test that detects cardiac (heart) abnormalities by measuring the electrical activity generated by the heart as it contracts.

Obesity tests – being overweight is a significant risk factor for many health conditions, including cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Ask your doctor to check your body mass index (BMI)and waist measurement every 2 years. If you are at a higher risk, you should have your weight checked more frequently.

Anyone 45 years and over, or 30 years and over for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, should have a regular heart health check with their doctor. A heart health check is a 20-minute check-up with your GP to assess your risk of having a heart attack or stroke. Heart health checks are covered by Medicare and are free at practices that bulk bill this service.


This is a serious condition where glucose (sugar) in the blood becomes higher than normal. People with diabetes can have difficulty changing glucose into energy which leads to higher levels of sugar in the blood (hyperglycaemia). Your blood glucose levels are normally controlled by a hormone called insulin. Diabetes happens when your

pancreas can’t produce enough insulin or when your body can’t use the insulin because it’s resistant to it.

There are several types of diabetes:

🚩type 1 diabetes

🚩type 2 diabetes

🚩gestational diabetes, which happens when a woman has high blood glucose levels during

pregnancy pre-diabetes, where your blood glucose levels are higher than normal, but not high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes

What are the most common symptoms of diabetes?

⏹️Being very thirsty or hungry

⏹️passing more urine (wee) than usual

⏹️feeling tired
⏹️unexplained weight loss (for type 1 diabetes), or gradual weight gain (for type 2 diabetes)having cuts that heal slowly

⏹️itchy skin or skin infections

⏹️blurred vision


Type 1 diabetes is usually spotted quickly as symptoms can appear suddenly.

Many people with type 2 diabetes don’t have any symptoms at all or have signs that go unnoticed for a long time.


Tests for diabetes include a laboratory blood glucose test ordered by your doctor (not using a home blood glucose meter). The most common test is the fasting blood glucose test (no food or fluid except water for eight hours before). Others include a test taken anytime during the day with no preparation, glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) test, or an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT).

Talk to your doctor about having your risk of diabetes assessed and how often you should be tested.

Your risk of developing type 2 diabetes over the next 5 years can be assessed by completing the Australian type 2 diabetes risk assessment tool (AUSDRISK), a short list of questions.

You can complete AUSDRISK by yourself, or with the help of a health professional or practice nurse to assess the risk of a person developing type 2 diabetes over the next 5 years.

You can complete the tool in 1 of 3 ways:

  • -using the online interactive version

-using the online non-interactive version
-downloading the PDF version

-and completing it on paper.

If you get a 'high' score on AUSDRISK, you are eligible to attend a type 2 diabetes risk evaluation by your GP if you are aged:

40 to 49 years (inclusive)15 to 54 years (inclusive) for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.


Risk Factors for Getting Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes risk factors including - you have pre-diabetes, a family history of diabetes (for example, if you have a first-degree relative with type 2 diabetes) and/or are over 55 years. The risk increases with age, are over 45 years and overweight and obese or have high blood pressure are over 35 years and from an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background, or from a Pacific Island, Indian subcontinent or Chinese cultural background, had gestational diabetes during a pregnancy, have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)have cardiovascular disease such as past history of heart attack, angina, stroke or narrowed blood vessels taking certain antipsychotic medication or corticosteroid medication.

Other lifestyle risk factors include:

➡️being overweight or obese, especially around the waist

➡️sedentary lifestyle – having low levels of physical activity, including more than two hours of television watching per day

➡️unhealthy eating habits, such as regularly choosing

➡️high-fat,high-sugar,high-saltorlow-fibre foods

➡️cigarette smoking.


Screening for bowel cancer in people aged 45 to 74 who do not have any symptoms, helps to find cancer early. The bowel cancer screening test uses chemicals to check a bowel motion sample for blood, which may be a sign of bowel cancer.

The National Bowel Cancer Screening Program sends free test kits in the mail to people aged 50 to 74, every 2 years (to the address connected to your medicare card)

If you are between the age of 45-49, you can also request your first free bowel screening kit to be mailed to you. If you have a family history of bowel cancer, please talk to your doctor about what screening options are right for you. People at high risk of bowel cancer may need a colonscopy more regularly. During this test, the doctor inserts a slender instrument called a colonoscope through the anus to visually check the rectum and large bowel for any abnormalities.


Eyesight tends to deteriorate with age. Serious eye concerns can include cataracts, skin cancer on the eye, cataracts, mascular degeneration,

diabetic retinopathy.

People older than 65 years should have an annual examination, however, more frequent testing may be recommended for those with certain risk factors, such as:

a family history of eye disease,

a personal history of eye disease or injury,

certain medical conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes,

taking certain medications.

If you already wear prescription glasses or contact lenses, you should have your eyes tested every year. Adults who do not wear prescription glasses or contact lenses should have an eye test every 2 years.

5. STI'S Sexually transmissible infections (STI) screening

If you are sexually active, you should get tested for chlamydia every year between the ages of 15 and 29, using a simple urine test. Chlamydia is very

common and does not always show symptoms.

If you are at risk of other sexually transmissible infections such a herpes or HIV/AIDS raise your concerns and ask your doctor about further testing.


Advancing age is a significant risk factor for osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a disease characterised by low bone density and the weakening of the building blocks

that make up your bones.

People living with osteoporosis have porous, fragile bones, which can lead to an increased risk of fractures (broken bones).

If you have higher-than-average risk factors for osteoporosis your doctor might refer you for a bone density scan.

Bone density scans are widely accessible, painless, are often covered by Medicare and involve minimal levels of radiation.

What is a bone density scan?

A bone density scan is a medical test used to help diagnose osteoporosis and are also used to help see whether your risk of developing osteoporosis in the future is

higher than average. As a result, people living with osteoporosis have porous, fragile bones, leading to an increased risk of bone

A bone density scan is also known as a bone density test, a bone mineral density test or by its medical name, a DXA test.

How does a bone density scan measure my bone strength?

A bone density scan is done using a special type of x-ray called a dual energy x-ray (DXA). The DXA measures bone mineral density. The scan gives you and

your doctors information about your bone strength or fragility (weakness), and your risk of fractures. In general, the lower your bone density, the higher your

risk of having broken bones in the future.

Do I need a bone density scan?

If you are at risk of getting osteoporosis, your doctor will refer you for a bone density scan.

People with an average risk of getting osteoporosis include:


females aged 45 years and and males over 50 years

People with a high risk of osteoporosis include males over the age of 60 years and females over the age of 50 years who also:

have a family history of a fragility fractures

smoke or have a high alcohol intake

have vitamin D deficiency

have low body weight

have recurrent falls

are immobile (cannot walk or do housework without help) or have low levels of physical activity.

Some medical conditions can also put you at an increased risk of developing osteoporosis. If you have one of these conditions, your doctor may refer you for a bone density scan.

Health conditions include:

endocrine (hormone) disorders

early menopause

anorexia nervosa

inflammatory conditions and conditions causing malabsorption(problems in your digestive tract or gut)

chronic kidney or liver disease



Taking certain medicines can also increase your risk of osteoporosis, so if you take one of the following medicines, your doctor may refer you for a bone density scan to check your bone health.

Your doctor will review all factors and assess your overall fracture risk. If you have already had a fracture, and based on your other risk factors, your doctor will work out if your risk of more fractures is higher than average. If you are, you will most likely be referred for a bone density scan.

For example, if you are over 45 years of age, and have broken a bone after a minor fall or incident (known as a ‘low-trauma fracture’), if you are a female who has gone through

menopause or if you are an older male who has had a vertebral fracture (a break to one of the bones in your spine), you will likely need a bone density scan.

6. Breast cancer screening - 1-7 Australian women - are you eligible and been to have your breast screen? BOOK IN! Even if you are not eligible, GO SEE THE DR!

Breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting Australian women. It can occur at any age, but it is more common in women over 60.

Watch the important Utube video - "listen to your body- make the effort to book in and have a scan to look after your body." It's the ultimate act of self care!

Breast screening (also known as mammogram) is one of the best ways to detect breast cancer early. If breast cancer is found early, it is more likely to be successfully treated and improve your chance of surviving it.

BreastScreen Australia invites women aged 50 to 74 for free mammograms every 2 years.

If you are in your 40s or over 75, discuss the risks and benefits of screening with your doctor. Women under 40 are not eligible for the screening program but can have a mammogram done with a GP's referral at any age.

It is important that at any age, if you notice any breast symptoms or a change in the look and feel of your breast to see your doctor without delay.

7. Cervical screening test

Having regular cervical screening tests can help prevent cervical cancers through early detection and treatment.

Cervical cancer screening is recommended every 5 years for women and people with a cervix who are aged 25 to 74 years and have ever been sexually active.

The cervical screening test (which replaced the pap test) checks for the presence of the human papilloma virus

– a virus that can cause cervical cancer.

Even if you have been vaccinated against HPV, regular cervical screening is still important as the vaccine does not protect against all types of HPV infection.

Screening is available for eligible people through the National Cervical Screening Program.

You can usually collect your own vaginal sample if they choose, this is called self-collection. Self-collection is a safe and effective method of testing.

8. Pregnancy

You should have a general check-up before becoming pregnant to discuss any health risks during pregnancy. Once you are pregnant, regular antenatal checks help monitor your baby’s development, pick up abnormalities and assess your health.

Tests related to pregnancy may include ultrasound scans, urine tests, blood tests and genetic testing.

Some antenatal tests are recommended for all pregnant women, while others are only necessary for women at increased risk of complications.

Be advised by your doctor.

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lady and man and mediator at mediation

Mediation Guide

January 17, 20259 min read

Mediation Tips

Separation and divorce can be difficult, stressful, emotional and expensive.

Even if you and your former partner are relatively amicable, you may still need assistance to work out how to disentangle and split your finances and property in a fair way and to determine what will work best for your children and your family going forward.

The Family Court expects that people involved in family law disputes will only make an application to the Court to have their matter heard when there is no other way possible to resolve their dispute. There is an expectation in other words that people will attempt to resolve their differences and find a way to settle through compromise, discussion and if required, dispute resolution, if it is safe to do so.

Mediation and Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) can help you work through your parenting and financial agreements, resolve dispute and find solutions that provide the best outcome for all parties involved. It can provide an affordable, less stressful and faster method for resolving disputes while still allowing you to have significant input into the process and the outcomes. When a matter goes to court, you lose a lot of this input and control around outcomes.

Below is an overview of the mediation process and some hints we commonly provide our client on how to best navigate the process.

An Overview

When compared to the high levels of stress and onerous and unpredictable costs of litigation, mediation is a relatively simple and expensive way to resolve disputes, sort out the division of assets and liabiliteis and create a co-parenting plan that is in the best interests ultimately of the children, and workable for the parents.

In Australia, both government-funded and private centres offer a variety of options for mediation, depending on your individual circumstances.

The role of an independent mediator is to guide you to a resolution usually through a combination of joint and individual sessions. A mediator's role is to stay neutral and not 'take sides.' They make sure each party understandsthe issues at hand, is aware of each other's position, and will help find a fair and workable solution that is acceptable.

While the sessions can be held just with the separating couple and the mediator, under certain circumstances, if both parties agree, the parties lawyers, and/or a support person may attend. Children may under very limited circumstances be involved.

Some mediations may be held face to face, in person, or via zoom, or in certain circumstances, including where there has been domestic and family violence, 'shuttle mediation' can be used to keep the parties separate and in a safe space.

Communication in the course of dispute resolution are, except in certain circumstances, confidential and inadmissible in any court. The dispute resolution practitioner however may be required by law to report certain disclosures or risk.

What is Family Dispute Resolution (FDR)?

FDR is a special type of medication that is focussed on considering the needs of the children while hehlping you come to an agreement. It is often used to resolve parenting matters but property division can also be included in FDR.

It provides you with an opportunity to improve your relationship with the other party/ies and reach an agreement about legal, practical and co-parenting issues that are important to you. Because all parties are involved in reaching a resoution, it is chance to be heard properly in a more controlled and less overwhelming way compared to court, and improves usually the chances that the agreement will last into the future and reduce conflict for you and your children. You may also learn more effective ways to communicate with the other party througout the process to help you resolve any future issues/disputes.

Under the Australian Family Law system, with limited exceptions, it is compulsory for separated parents to go through the proess of FDR before applying to a Family Law Court for parenting orders.

Dispute Resolution may happen within the Court, with officers of the Court, such as a judicial registrar and court appointed child expert. The Court will make orders for these events and it is essential that you attend.

Dispute resolution may also take place externally to the Court. You can source Mediation and Family Dispute Resolution privately or through government funded services such as Legal Aid, Relationships Australia and other Family Relationship Centres.

If you are looking to source a private Mediator or FDRP, we can recommend one of our regularly appointed mediators to assist.

You should ensure that any person you engage to assist with FDR is registered as a Famiy DIspute Resolution Practitioner (FDPR) with the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department, or if conducting arbitration, is accredited with AIFLAM, the Australian Institute of Family Law Arbitrators and Mediators.

Judicial Registrars and private mediators or FRDPs must provide a Certificate of Dispute Resolution at the conclusion of these events. There can be cost consequences for non-compliance with court orders for dispute resoluton.

What does Mediation and/or FDR cost?

Mediation has varying costs and can take anything from hours to days to complete, depending on the complexity of your situation and depending on whether financial and children issues are being considered.

Government-assisted FDR may be free or subsidised if you meet the eligibility criteria.

Fees are payable to mediators and dispute resolution practitioners in private practice.

If you have been ordered to undertake a post-separation parenting program, unless the order otherwise states, you will be required to pay for the costs of your attendance at that program.

In most cases, mediation or FDR is going to be much cheaper and faster, and a lot less stressful than battling it out in court.

Our Top Tips to Prepare for Mediation

Learn about the options available to you and what is best suited to your needs and budget.

Your FDR practitioner, lawyer or mediator will advise what documents you will be required to produce prior to, and on the day of, the mediation.

Prior to the mediation date, a complete understanding of your finances including assets, liabilities/debt, income, superannuation, parenting, child support, and other legal matters will greatly help the process. Get your documents well organised and labelled. We can assist you to prepare this list and the organisation.

When a court orders you to attend dispute resolution, orders will also be made about what documents are required to be completed exhanged and provided to the person conducting the dispute resolution. These may include for instance, any court documents such as applications, responses and affidavits, expert reports, any child impact report, confidential case summaries, and valuations.

Determine your Priorities 

Think about all the issues that you may want to consider including your parenting arrangements, financial and property matters before the mediation and consider what is important to you and why and what you hope to achive through mediation or FDR.

Try to keep an open mind and consider what is really motivating your priorities - is it emotionally based reasoning or is it based on what you genuinely believe is fair and in the children's best interests.

Know the Cost of Mediation 

Be aware of the various costs involved in the types of mediation and FDR options available before you commit - mediator costs, lawyer costs, travel expenses, your time off work etc. Make phone calls to find out what costs are anticipated on an hourly/daily basis and any potential post mediation expense for example the costs of formalising your agreed terms of the mediation into a formal agreement which you may want to file in the Family Court to make enforceable.

Make sure you are actually available for the set mediation date and not running late. If there is any chance you will miss the date or the time, let the mediator and other party know well in advance to avoid financial consequences.

Try to Manage your Emotions 

We know this can be very difficult to do, we hear you! This can be a highly emotional and confronting time which can make you feel overwhelmed and vulnerable. If is often a time in the separation/divorce process when we highly recommend that our clients reach out for additional emotional support and invest in their own self-care.

I know your head may be racing, but try to get a good nights sleep the night before mediation. We highly recommend you do not drink too much caffeine or consume other stimulants on the day or drink any alcohol throughout the day, you eat well so your sugar levels are ok, stay hydrated, take your medication as and when needed, make plans for the children after school as the mediation may go all day. You may plan to take a friend/support person if you have previously obtained the other sides consent to do this.

Ask for short breaks throughout the day to clear your head, visit the bathroom, calm down.

If you need an interpreter for the mediation, please make sure you let them know well in advance of the mediation day.

Be Aware of your Communication 

Mediation is not the right opportunity or time to express your frustration, play games, be aggressive or point score.

If you can get your emotions in check and communicate effectively enough to convey your wishes, it can be an excellent way to resolve things and to help you and your children move on.

Try to stay focused on your objectives and achieving good outcomes for the children and yourself for the long term.

We always suggest to our clients that they should try to approach the mediation as a business meeting and to be as professional in their communication as possible throughout the mediation process - imagine they are talking and planning a meeting at work, asking for a pay rise with their employer or negotiating the purchase of a house. Poor behaviour such as shouting, swearing, accusing and blaming will likely derail the whole process, and make it difficult to arrive at any resolutions. Ignore the other parties potential outbursts as much as possible - don't bite! The mediator will usually help with this, so be guided by them (and your lawyer if you have one there with you.)

If you don't understand something that is explained to you, speak up and get clarification. You have the right to be heard and to ask. No question is too stupid. Don't let yourself be bullied.

Safety concerns

If you feel unsafe, make sure you communicate this with the mediator in your initial intake consultation and provide them with any safety orders you may have.

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