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There is no treatment to 'fix' menopause obviously but there are various ways to treat the symptoms of menopause, again often depending on the severity of the symptoms. Lifestyle changes outlined on this website including strategies such as exercise, nutrition, stress reduction techniques, sleep help strategies often help many menopause symptoms but, subject to obtaining your own independent medical advice, the following prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) treatments may available for perimenopause and menopause.
Menopause treatments aim to ease symptoms and prevent or manage ongoing conditions that may happen with aging. Any treatment will depend on the person, their family history and medical background, the medication they are already having, their mental health, the severity of their symptoms and their own independent doctor's advice.
Below however are some of the more common treatments used to ease symptoms:
Hormone therapy.
Estrogen therapy works best for easing menopausal hot flashes. It also eases other menopause symptoms and slows bone loss.
Your healthcare professional may suggest estrogen in the lowest dose and for the time needed to relieve your symptoms. It's best used by people who are younger than 60 and within 10 years of the onset of menopause. If you still have your uterus, you'll need progestin with estrogen. Estrogen also helps prevent bone loss. Long-term use of hormone therapy may have some heart disease and breast cancer risks. But starting hormones around the time of menopause has shown benefits for some people. Talk with your healthcare professional about whether hormone therapy may be safe for you.
Vaginal estrogen.
To relieve vaginal dryness, you can apply estrogen to the vagina using a vaginal cream, tablet or ring. This treatment gives you a small amount of estrogen, which the vaginal tissues take in. It can help ease vaginal dryness, pain with intercourse and some urinary symptoms.
Medications to help prevent bone thinning osteoporosis.
Your healthcare professional might suggest medicine to prevent or treat osteoporosis. Several medicines can help reduce bone loss and risk of fractures. Your healthcare professional also might prescribe vitamin D supplements to help strengthen bones.
Oral contraceptives
Heavy or irregular periods and hot flashes may benefit from this medicine that evens out hormonal fluctuations.
Menopausal hormonal therapy
: (Formerly known as HRT) Like oral contraceptives, this is a low dose of hormones to supplement estrogen levels. It helps with hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, emotional issues and vaginal dryness.
Low-dose antidepressants
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) like Prozac may relieve hot flashes, mood swings and irritability by modifying the brain signals.
Counselling, Menopause Coaches, Psychologist
Brain fog, anxiety, depression, dependence on alcohol, sleep issues - cognitive behaviour and other talking therapy with a qualified psychologist
Lifestyle changes
A healthier diet with less animal fat and processed sugar, exercise, relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, and a consistent sleep schedule may relieve some of the symptoms, including weight gain, irritability and insomnia.
Vaginal lubricants
For vaginal irritations, use water-based vaginal lubricants or prescription vaginal creams
Allied health services and holistic integrative therapy
Acupuncture, naturopathy, breathwork, nutritionists, psychologists, counsellors, hypnosis, dermatologist, pelvic floor exercise support, yoga, thi chai mindfulness techniques and massages.
Talk with other people
Reach out and be open about it with others in your life and stay connected socially with people. Don't forget this affects 50% of the population and we can openly chat about our labours, pregnancy, periods etc!
Various supplements may be of help but there is unfortunately little evidence to prove:
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Financial, Legal and Safety wellness
Regardless of who has made the decision or how your relationship has been to date, telling your partner that you want a separation or divorce is likely to be one of the most difficult, painful and memorable conversations you are likely to ever have. It is often a conversation that both parties remember clearly for the rest of their lives, so take some small steps to get it right.
It is important to realise that the way in which you discuss this may set the tone for your future discussions and potentially increase OR decrease your chance of positively negotiating your future conversations regarding financials, family and the next phase of your lives.
Planning the discussion
• Have you considered having counselling together or at least personally speaking with a counsellor, psychologist, separation coach to help you consider your emotions, options and plans. Family Counselling Support Network can assist. www.familycounsellingsupportnetwork.com. Speaking with your GP is often also highly recommended to ensure there are no medical reasons contributing to the way you are feeling.
• Make sure you are certain of your final decision before you break the news to your partner as it is very stressful and often emotionally difficult to come back from this type of disclosure if you change your mind.
• Consider what will be the best day, time and conditions to have this discussion so it is as amicable, respectful and calm as possible under the difficult circumstances. Ideally it should be done face to face (not via a text, a note, or via a third party) and when no one else is home, especially children. You may choose to go to a neutral place such as coffee in a park where you aren’t distracted or conscious of being the object of attention. Most importantly, make sure that your intention is not blurted out in the middle of heated discussions and avoid late at night or on a day which corresponds with important events such as celebrations or family holidays.
• Consider how will you remain safe throughout this discussion and afterwards? Do you need to consider having the discussion in conjunction with a counsellor? If you are leaving an abusive or violent partner, do you need a safe exit plan, a restraining order or emergency accommodation assistance? In an emergency call police 000.
• Have you considered your partner’s reaction, the likely questions that you will be asked and how you will respond to them? Are they likely to be surprised? Deeply emotional? Aggressive? Some people consider marriage a lifelong commitment and may be really surprised by your announcement. Often people are in denial and do not seem to absorb what is being said and perhaps the finality of your decision. Watch for the possible breadth of reactions, acknowledge their feelings and show empathy.
• Who is staying in the home and who is potentially leaving, and where the children and pets will immediately go, are likely to be the first issues raised. It is important to have thought through these issues so that solutions are more easily explored.
Planning the discussion
• When delivering your decision to separate or divorce, the key is to be kind, direct and not highly emotional. Examples of how you might raise it include, “I am unhappy and would like to live apart for six months. During that time, I am open to having more counselling to see if we can make it work.” Or “We have tried counselling but unfortunately I am still not happy and I would like to move towards a more permanent step to separate” or “I have been unhappy in our relationship for a long time and I would like to see if being apart improves things for us all.”
• Then deliver the terms, for example, “I would like you to live at your parents for a few weeks and I can remain here with the children until we work out the next steps”, or “I am going to visit my parents for the week to give you time and space to move out,” or perhaps if you are amicable and it is safe, you could suggest, “You are welcome to stay in the other bedroom until we sort out what we are going to do next.”
• Regardless of how the other person reacts, try not to get highly defensive, blaming and remember to acknowledge their emotions. Try to remain calm and supportive and continue to state your position - “I am sorry, I know this isn’t what you want to hear but we have tried our best, and I can’t do this anymore and I want to separate."
• Give your partner time and space to process what you have said. Don’t immediately proceed with details of what you are proposing in terms of parental and financial settlements, but it is a good time to suggest you want to work with them to ensure you sort things out as amicably as possible as you move forward.
• Try to calmly agree together on how and when to tell the children and other family members and friends, allowing a respectful period of time to digest the details.
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DISCLAIMER: The material contained on this website is for general educational and information purposes only and is not a substitute for professional legal, financial, medical or psychological advice or care. While every care has been taken in the information provided, no legal responsibility or liability is accepted, warranted or implied by the authors or Family Counselling Support Network and any liability is hereby expressly disclaimed. For specific advice please contact us at [email protected]. All information contained on the website remains the intellectual property of Family Counselling Support Network and is for your personal educational use only. The information must not be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Family Counselling Support Network.
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