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There is no treatment to 'fix' menopause obviously but there are various ways to treat the symptoms of menopause, again often depending on the severity of the symptoms. Lifestyle changes outlined on this website including strategies such as exercise, nutrition, stress reduction techniques, sleep help strategies often help many menopause symptoms but, subject to obtaining your own independent medical advice, the following prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) treatments may available for perimenopause and menopause.
Menopause treatments aim to ease symptoms and prevent or manage ongoing conditions that may happen with aging. Any treatment will depend on the person, their family history and medical background, the medication they are already having, their mental health, the severity of their symptoms and their own independent doctor's advice.
Below however are some of the more common treatments used to ease symptoms:
Hormone therapy.
Estrogen therapy works best for easing menopausal hot flashes. It also eases other menopause symptoms and slows bone loss.
Your healthcare professional may suggest estrogen in the lowest dose and for the time needed to relieve your symptoms. It's best used by people who are younger than 60 and within 10 years of the onset of menopause. If you still have your uterus, you'll need progestin with estrogen. Estrogen also helps prevent bone loss. Long-term use of hormone therapy may have some heart disease and breast cancer risks. But starting hormones around the time of menopause has shown benefits for some people. Talk with your healthcare professional about whether hormone therapy may be safe for you.
Vaginal estrogen.
To relieve vaginal dryness, you can apply estrogen to the vagina using a vaginal cream, tablet or ring. This treatment gives you a small amount of estrogen, which the vaginal tissues take in. It can help ease vaginal dryness, pain with intercourse and some urinary symptoms.
Medications to help prevent bone thinning osteoporosis.
Your healthcare professional might suggest medicine to prevent or treat osteoporosis. Several medicines can help reduce bone loss and risk of fractures. Your healthcare professional also might prescribe vitamin D supplements to help strengthen bones.
Oral contraceptives
Heavy or irregular periods and hot flashes may benefit from this medicine that evens out hormonal fluctuations.
Menopausal hormonal therapy
: (Formerly known as HRT) Like oral contraceptives, this is a low dose of hormones to supplement estrogen levels. It helps with hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, emotional issues and vaginal dryness.
Low-dose antidepressants
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) like Prozac may relieve hot flashes, mood swings and irritability by modifying the brain signals.
Counselling, Menopause Coaches, Psychologist
Brain fog, anxiety, depression, dependence on alcohol, sleep issues - cognitive behaviour and other talking therapy with a qualified psychologist
Lifestyle changes
A healthier diet with less animal fat and processed sugar, exercise, relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, and a consistent sleep schedule may relieve some of the symptoms, including weight gain, irritability and insomnia.
Vaginal lubricants
For vaginal irritations, use water-based vaginal lubricants or prescription vaginal creams
Allied health services and holistic integrative therapy
Acupuncture, naturopathy, breathwork, nutritionists, psychologists, counsellors, hypnosis, dermatologist, pelvic floor exercise support, yoga, thi chai mindfulness techniques and massages.
Talk with other people
Reach out and be open about it with others in your life and stay connected socially with people. Don't forget this affects 50% of the population and we can openly chat about our labours, pregnancy, periods etc!
Various supplements may be of help but there is unfortunately little evidence to prove:
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Building Your Resilience to help you cope through the tough times
Everyone goes through tough times in life. There are some stressful situations we can avoid completely and others which are an inevitable part of life – work, children, relationships, money, health challenges. Without the right tools, stress can cause wear and tear on the body and brain and can increase the risk of many health conditions including heart disease, high blood pressure, depression, and anxiety.
How we deal with stress can be very personal, and not every coping strategy suits each person, but it is about learning some strategies that work for you, being self-aware that the stress levels are climbing, and then employing the strategies in a timely way (before too overwhelmed) to reduce the impact of that stress, that will help you avoid the serious impacts on wellness.
Resilience is defined as the extent to which we can bounce back from adverse events, cope with stress, or succeed in the face of adversity. It is not something you are born with. It is more a result of how family, community, and cultural practices—interact. It boosts wellness and protects you from risks to your well-being.
Resilience isn’t just about eliminating stress but more about really leaning in to your own strengths, and finding those protective measures in your life to help cope with the often inevitable stress and to support your own well-being.
Research has indicated that the essential tool box items to help deal with stress and build resilience are:
· Exercise – doesn’t matter how.
· Get some sunshine and play upbeat music.
· Feed your body with healthy options and reducing reliance on alcohol, smoking and/or drugs.
· Express your emotions rather than bottling them up.
· Change your mindset and try to look at a stressful situation as a growth opportunity instead of thinking of it as a threat.
· Say no more often and focus on you - Meeting your own self-care needs rather than aways being the empath and giver.
· Try to find even one small thing every day to enjoy and take time out for YOU! DO NOT feel guilty about that – you are of no use to anyone else you care for if you have exhausted your own emotional energy! Adults who take time for themselves can better help nurture resilience in children.
· Find your people, community and resources - resilience doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Find your support network. At work, school, church, exercise class, in your cultural network? Who can help build your inner strengths and strategies to deal with life challenges?
Write down a few times you were highly stressed before and reflect on:
- what has previously helped you when you were stressed?
- how did you dealt with it?
- who could you count on?
”In 2011 my daughter was incredibly ill and we did not know if she would be brain damaged and/or able to walk again. I was in the middle of a large work project and renovations at the time and had two small children. I don’t recall ever feeling as stressed. I had never done much long distance running before, but I got an awesome playlist together, bought some running shoes and started slowly jogging/shuffling my way around the suburb. The music, sun, greetings from neighbours and the exercise were my saviour that year. I still use these strategies today to get through my toughest times.” Susan
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DISCLAIMER: The material contained on this website is for general educational and information purposes only and is not a substitute for professional legal, financial, medical or psychological advice or care. While every care has been taken in the information provided, no legal responsibility or liability is accepted, warranted or implied by the authors or Family Counselling Support Network and any liability is hereby expressly disclaimed. For specific advice please contact us at [email protected]. All information contained on the website remains the intellectual property of Family Counselling Support Network and is for your personal educational use only. The information must not be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of Family Counselling Support Network.
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